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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study was performed to two purpose. First, performance time evaluation of Trail Making Test(TMT) was a component of the neuropsychological test battery to be examined age and education were considered. Second, A difference(B-A) and a ration(B/A) score to be examined to offered useful information for severity of head injury. Test implement used to be TMT A, TMT B, wechsler intelligence subscale. The subject of normative control group consisted of number 94, subjects of patient included four group consisted of head injury number 53, postconcussional disorder number 26, schizophrenia number 24, neurotic patient number 53. The result are that TMT A, B, B-A were positive correlated with age and negative correlated with education in normative control group. Four patient group performance are significant difference appeared decending in order from neurotic group, schizophrenia group, postconcussional group, head injury group. The inclusion implicated that neuropsychological test result interpretation were considered with age and education. Also, a difference score B-A be useful to head injury evaluation.
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