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This study investigated the attachment styles and the perceived parenting behaviors in paranoia and depression. The Paranoia Scale, the Zung Depression Scale, the Self-report Attachment Style Questionnaire, the Adult Attachment Scale, the Parenting Behavior Inventory, the Self-concept Scale, and the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale were administered to 34 persecutory deluded patients, 34 depressed patients, and 34 normal controls. The persecutory deluded patients showed more fearful and preoccupied attachment styles than the control group. And they showed higher anxiety and lower intimacy in attachment relationships than the control group. The depressed patients showed more preoccupied attachment style than the control group, and they showed higher anxiety and lower intimacy and dependency in attachment relationships than the control group. In perceived parenting behaviors, the persecutory deluded patients perceived their parents as more intrusive and inconsistent than the depressed and the normal controls. Both the persecutory deluded and the depressed patients perceived their parents as more abusive and neglective than the normal controls. The letting behavior of parents', the inconsistency of mothers', and over-interference of mothers' were highly related to the adult attachment styles. The suggestions and the limitations of this study, and the directions of future study were discussed.
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