open access
E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This paper covers the relationship between Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder group by self-reported ratings(below ADHD group) and Internet Addiction Disorder group by self-reported ratings(below IAD group). In the 1st study are as follows: First, IAD ratio of ADHD group appeared higher than that of non-ADHD group. Including the future probable IAD group to the Internet additive user group, students with ADHD have more propensities for Internet addiction. Second, as a result of correlation analysis between ADHD and IAD, it seemed that they have significant correlation. In the 2nd study, we looked into vulnerable characteristics to Internet addiction which makes ADHD children develop themselves into IAD, by comparing four groups; ADHD+IAD group, ADHD group, IAD group, and Control group. the one-way ANOVA was carried out to compare psychological characteristics among ADHD+IAD group, ADHD group, IAD group, and Control group. According to the results, ADHD+IAD group appeared the lowest self-esteem, the highest depression, the highest sensation-seeking tendency, and the lowest self-control than the other groups. Also, it tends to perceive their family relationship the most negatively than the other groups. This finding suggests that it is necessary to develop counsel program about ADHD characteristics, and it requires therapeutic intervention for counseling and treating IAD.
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