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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study was designed to analysis the MMPI response characteristic of participants in court-ordered drunken driving offender's program, and thus to make a effective mediating program and therapy. The sample consisted of 87 men. As results, scores on Pd and Pt were elevated with T 62.7, T 62.9. This means to impulsivity, assertiveness, nonconforming, social alienation, low tolerance for frustration, and reduced sence of responsibility and morals. And it regards to experience anxiety and tension and so on about panalty in drunken driving and the situation to control for a while, fundamentally including anxiety and tension. By a section, from Hs, D, Hy, Mf Sc, Ma, there are many cases T 45~59 scores and from Pd, Pt measure and so on from T 60 to T 69. It comes out highly comparatively, it can guess that there are emotional unstability, irritability, impatience, and unadaptable person in daily life. In cluster analysis, about 19.5% of participants in court-ordered drunken driving offender's program were elevated in Pd, Pt, Sc scores to need to get a individual psychotherapy. Lastly alcohol dependent group comes out highly significant in D, Hy, Pd, Pa measure and so on compare with alcohol abuse group. But it is similar to MMPI pattern, so it is suggestive of insignificant that difference of character according to drinking degree.
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