open access
E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study purported to develop a story recall test (SRT) for the elderly Korean population. It examined the reliability and validity of the test and developed norms for the elderly population. Effects of demographic variables on test performance were examined. Normative sample consisted of two hundred seventy-three elderly volunteers whose ages were between 55 and 89. Volunteers were residents of Seoul, Kyungki-do, Yesan, Daegu, Masan, and Dangjin. Education and gender proved to be significant factors influencing all SRT performances, while age was significant in some performances. Norms were developed considering significant demographic factors. The norms for the Immediate Recall were established for two education level (0-9 years, over 10 years) and gender, yielding four normative groups. The norms for the Delayed Recall and the Recognition were established for two education groups (less or equal to 9 years, and more than 10 years), two age groups (55-74 years and 75-89 years) and two gender group (male and female). In addition, memory characteristics of the normal elderly Korean population were described. The normative data of the Story Recall Test are expected to be utilized in detecting memory, learning and cognitive impairments in the elderly population. More efficient diagnostic procedures will be available for the patients with early Alzheimer's disease and other neurological conditions frequently found in the elderly population.
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