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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study modified the items of revised Korean Personality Inventory for children parent-rating form (KPI-C-R-PRF) into children-report form (KPI-C-R-CRF) and tested the reliability and validity. The 4-6th grade elementary students (N=1,575) administered the KPI-C-R-CRF. Half-split reliability and internal consistency of 13 scales excluded ICN scale were .65-.85, .62-.85, respectively. Test-retest reliability tested on 129 students, .75-.86, was high. To test the convergent and discriminant validity, participants were separated into ten samples and administered nine validity indices and the KPI-C-R-PRF. Both validity were very high. Finally the results were compared with previous studies and the implication and limitation were discussed.
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