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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
A lack of perceived control is known to be a psychological vulnerability to emotional disorders such as anxiety disorders. This article described four studies examining the psychometric properties of a Korean version of the Anxiety Control Questionnaire (ACQ) developed recently to assess perceived control over external threats and internally generated emotional and bodily reactions. In Study 1, the results of factor analyses of the K-ACQ revealed a two-factor solution - “a sense of uncontrollability over anxiety-related events” and “perceived control over anxiety-related events” - , which was then replicated in an independent sample. The results of Study 2 demonstrated good test-retest reliability over both two- and four-week periods. In Study 3, the K-ACQ correlated more strongly with a measure of anxiety than did the Rotter Internal-External Locus of Control Scale, a more global measure of perceived control. In Study 4, perceived anxiety control measured with the K-ACQ was shown to be significantly predictive of anxiety symptoms after the effect of life stress was controlled. In conclusion, these findings suggest that the K-ACQ is a highly reliable, valid measure to assess perceived control over anxiety-related events.
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