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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study was to construct the Emotional Experience Scale(KPANAS), and to examine its reliability and validity. Based on the study of an Appropriateness and Frequency of Emotion Terms in Korea, a pool of preliminary items were selected and administered to 230 undergraduates, and KPANAS with 22 items was constructed using factor analyses on the data. To confirm its reliability and validity, KPANAS was administered to 258 undergraduates and 105 normal adults,. KPANAS was highly reliable in terms of internal consistency and test-retest reliability. Factor analyses revealed that KPANAS had consistently two factors labeled 'Positive Affect' and 'Negative Affect'. The study evaluated the fit of two competing models to data using confirmatory factor analysis. The independent two-factor model fit the data well. And KPANAS was found to be significantly correlated with anxiety, depression and general health, hence these results indicated that KPANAS had good construct validity. Also, the implications and limitations of this study were discussed.
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