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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
Primary stressors, core variable in the model of the stress process in dementia patients' caregivers that Pearlin et al.(1990) proposed, are divided into objective stressors and subjective stressors, which are distinct and hypothesized to be differently related to patients and/or caregivers variables. The Revised-Memory and Behavior Problem Checklist(R-MBPC) measures objective stressors and the Burden Interview(BI) evaluates subjective stressors in dementia patients' caregivers. In this study, we translated the R-MBPC and the BI according to the Korean situation and tested the reliability and validity of the two scales. For this, two scales were administered to 128 dementia patients' caregivers. As a result, the internal consistencies of the R-MBPC:Frequency, the R-MBPC:Reaction and the BI were from .90 to .93, and the test-retest reliability were from .91 to .97. In addition, the correlations between the two scales and scales that assess patients' cognitive abilities, daily living abilities, and caregivers' emotions were suitable. Through factor analysis, it was confirmed that the R-MBPC is composed of three factors as presented in the original article, but it was suggested that the two factors of the BI in the original article has limitations in the Korean situation. Lastly, in the analysis for the caregivers' objective and subjective stress according to dementia severity, the significant difference between the mild dementia patient group and the moderate or severe dementia patient group was remarkable. The influence between the caregivers' characteristics and cultural background was discussed, and in the future, a comprehensive model for the stress process in the caregivers of dementia patients should be investigated.
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