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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to develop Continuous Performance Test based on level of difficulty and trial order and to investigate attention characteristics and diagnostic efficiency of ADHD. In the developed diagnostic test of attention, stimuli were presented simultaneously, trial orders(low-high frequency trials vs high-low frequency trials) were varied by presentation frequency of stimulus and the level of difficulty was controlled by the shape of stimuli. 32 ADHD children and 40 normal children between the age of 7 and 9 completed the diagnostic test of attention. The MANCOVA of group × trial order and group×(level of difficulty) was performed on omission error, commission error, mean response time, standard deviation of response time, anticipatory responses, d' and β. The results were as follows. First, in terms of trial order, difference between ADHD children and normal children in high-low frequency trial was more than that in low-high frequency trial. Second, in terms of level of difficulty, difference of standard deviation of response time and d' between ADHD children and normal children at low level was more than those at high level. On the other hand, difference of mean response time between ADHD children and normal children at high level was more than that at low level. Third, according to the discriminant analysis, accuracy rates in high-low frequency trials(94.3%) were higher than those in low-high frequency trials(73.0%). Accuracy rates at low level +high level(83.3%) were higher than those at low level(79.2%) and high level(77.8%). In conclusions, the developed test of attention based on trial order and level of difficulty compensate for the weak points of the existing continuous performance tests.
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