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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study was attempted to validate self-report measurement, Object Relations Inventory(OR Inventory). Study 1, to confirm reliability and factory structure of OR Inventory and to gain Korean factor score coefficient, OR Inventory were administered to 416 undergraduate & graduate students. In the results, Crohnbach α coefficient, split half reliability coefficient(Spearman-Brown), and item-factor score correlation of OR Inventory were found to have acceptably high, and the 3-week interval test-retest reliability coefficient of OR Inventory was reasonably high. Therefore, internal consistency and the stability over time OR Inventory were ascertained. In the results of factor analysis, like the structure of English version of Object Relations Inventory in Bell et al's validation study(1985), four factors of insecure attachment, social incompetence, alienation, and egocentricity were extracted, and factor score coefficient matrix of OR Inventory was put out. In study 2, to confirm concurrent validity of K-OR Inventory, the scales measuring schizoid personality disorder, self-centricity, sociality deficiency, attachment-dependence, attachment-anxious, and attachment-close with the K-OR Inventory were administered to 240 undergraduate students. K-OR Inventory factors score applying factor score coefficient of K-OR Inventory put out in study 1 were gained, the correlations between these K-OR Inventory factor scores and corresponding the measures were found to be moderate to almost high positive. The above results show that K-OR Inventory has good psychometric properties as a measure of object relations. The implications and limitations of this study were discussed along with some suggestions for the further study.
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