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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study was to investigate cognitive characteristics and overexcitability of the gifted children in KEDI-WISC and TTCT. The subjects were 24 preschool and elementary school students who have scored above 130 points on KEDI-WISC, which was considered as gifted children. KEDI-WISC and TTCT were given to gifted children and KPI-C, demographic questionnaire were acquired from their parents. To investigate peculiar cognitive characteristics of gifted children, FSIQ, VIQ, PIQ and 10 subtest measures of KEDI-WISC were compared among 1)gifted(n=24), 2)superior(n=13) and 3)ADHD(n=18). The result was shown that gifted group was significantly higher level on block design, information and vocabulary of KEDI-WISC than the other two groups, but picture completion, picture arrangement, digit symbol of KEDI-WISC were not significantly different with other groups. Based on previous study of overexcitability of gifted children, gifted group was divided into two groups which was inattentive and non-inattentive group. Non-inattentive group showed significantly higher score on similarity test of KEDI-WISC than inattentive group, and they also showed higher score on digit symbol test which was not significant. Based on previous creativity study, we investigated whether children who have higher scores of creativity test are more hyperactivity than other children. However, inattentive group did not show significantly higher score than non-inattentive group on TTCT score. Finally, the results were discussed and the implications for future studies were suggested.
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