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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
(2000) 한국판 캘리포니아 언어학습검사, 도서출판 특수교육
(1994) 최신정신의학, 일조각
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(2004) 측두엽 간질 수술 후 기억 변화의 결정인,
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(1995) Wada memory asymmetries predict verbal memory decline after anterior temporal lobectomy,
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(2000) Effect of intelligence on the relationship between memory and hippocampal sclerosis Poster presented at the meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society,
(1994) Degree of hippocampal neuron loss determines severity of verbal memory decrease after left anteromesiotemporal lobectomy,
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(1994) Predictors of outcome after anterior temporal lobectomy,
(1996) Neuropsychologic assessment in surgical treatment of epilepsy,
(1996) Bilateral magnetic resonance imaging- determined hippocampal atrophy and verbal memory before and after temporal lobectomy,
(1995) Gender difference in post-temporal lobectomy verbal memory and relationship between MRI hippocampal volumes and preoperative verbal memory,
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(1993) Neurocognitive efficiency following left temporal lobectomy Journal of Neurosurgery,