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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study examined the relationship between the quality of parents' attachment to their own parents and the quality of expressed emotion(EE) to patients. In addition to direct path of the effect of parents' attachment on EE, we investigated mediating effects of parents' attributional style and ego-resiliency as cognitive and personality variables. Korean-Level of Expressed Emotion(K-LEE), Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment(IPPA), Attributional Style Questionnaire(ASQ) and Ego-Resiliency Scale(ER) were administered to 91 patients and their family. Results indicated that parents' attachment to their own parents was able to predict EE significantly, and the mediating effect of attributional style is not significant statistically. However, the stable attribution about negative events of three subscales in attributional styles was negatively correlated with attachment and positively correlated with EE. Also, parents' ego-resiliency mediated between attachment and EE. These results suggested that parents' internal working models of attachment with their own parents early in life are a risk factor transmitting EE to their offspring later. Thus, for patients' better recovery, we should need effective family interventions focusing not only on medication and individual therapy, but also on parents' attachment, attributional style and ego-resiliency.
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