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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
146 adolescents from low income families on public assistance(Low Income Group) were compared to the Comparison Group of 327 adolescents in the psychosocial adjustment, and risk and protective factors associated with their adjustment were examined. The Low Income Group did not differ significantly from the Comparison Group in self-reported depression and externalizing behavior problems. Family risk factor, association with delinquent peers and avoidant coping style significantly increased risk for depression and externalizing problems, while positive coping style of adolescents and social support from parents, peers and teachers emerged as important protective factors. Family-related risk factor appeared to be more important for psychosocial adjustment of girls compared to boys, while protective function of parental support appeared to be considerably weakened in the Low-income Group, suggesting that specific influence of risk and protective factors might differ depending upon the psychological characteristics and environmental context of the group.
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