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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study aimed to examine temporal changes in the internet game addiction of adolescents and related psychological variables using a prospective design. A total of 1279 middle high school students at five schools were assessed twice 6 month apart on measures of internet game addiction, self-escape tendency, real-ideal self discrepancy, negative affect, peer relationship, parent-child relationship, and parental supervision. Results indicated that the internet game addiction score of the first assessment was highly correlated with the score of the second assessment, r = .66, p < .001. In 30 % of students who demonstrated a severe level of internet game addiction at the first assessment, their score decreased more than 1 standard deviation at the second assessment. The ANCOVA analysis showed that the self-escape tendency was the only significant difference between the adolescents maintaining a severe level of internet game addiction and those with decreasing use of internet game. The multiple regression analysis showed that the internet game addiction, the self-escape tendency, negative affect at the first assessment predicted the internet game addiction of 6 months after. These results indicated that internet game addiction is a rather stable phenomenon although there was a room for change. The self-escape tendency seemed to be a stronger predictor of continued internet game use than parental supervision and other interpersonal relationships.
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