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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
Behavioral inhibition(BI) is suggested for the possible precursor for anxiety disorder, especially for social phobia. This study aimed to validate the Korean version of the retrospective self-report of inhibition(RSRI), that is self-report questionnaire to assess behavioral inhibition of childhood. In study 1, results of factor analysis in the sample of undergraduates indicated that K-RSRI had 2 factor structure-“social fears”, “general fears”-, which was replicated in the sample of persons with social phobia. Good test-retest reliability and agreement between subjects and their parents were revealed by the results of study 2. In study 3, the K-RSRI of persons with social phobia significantly correlated only with the measure of social avoidance and distress, not with state and trait anxiety, or depression. Finally in study 4, the scores of K-RSRI in persons with social phobia were significantly higher than those of normal control. These findings suggest that the K-RSRI is a highly reliable and valid measure to assess behavioral inhibition of childhood.
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