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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study used confirmatory factor analysis to assess two competing models of schizotypal personality in the general population: two-factor model (cognitive-perceptual and interpersonal factors) vs. three-factor model (cognitive-perceptual, interpersonal and disorganized factors). The computer program AMOS was used to analyze Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire(SPQ) subscale scores that reflect the nine traits of schizotypal personality. The scores were obtained from 547 undergraduate students drawn from Seoul and mid-area in Korea. Results indicated replicable support for the three-factor model as the previous studies did. The high risk group who obtained upper 10 percentile score of SPQ showed more worse quality of life and general mental health than the rest of group. This study provided one more validating data of SPQ and the three-factor model of schizotypal personality.
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