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This study was to develop and validate a Scale to distinguished between functional and dysfunctional perfectionism also, to investigate various characteristics of functional perfectionist and dysfunctional perfectionists. The aim of Study Ⅰ was to develop a Scale to distinguished between functional and dysfunctional perfectionism. This Scale was consisted of achievement striving factor and failure avoidant factor. The aim of Study Ⅱ was to validate a Two-dimensional Perfectionism Scale(TPS) by Study Ⅰ, to classify groups through the cluster analysis and to investigate various characterisitics of groups. Failure avoidance factor of TPS correlated positively with depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, social anxiety, negative affect, somatic symptom, and negative consequence of PQ. It was not related with positive affect. On the other hand, achievement striving factor of TPS correlated positively with positive affect. It was not related with depression and social anxiety. Subjects were classified with achievement striving perfectionist, failure avoidant perfectionist, mixed-perfectionist, non-perfectionist by the cluster analysis. Failure avoidant perfectionism group and mixed group were reported higly to depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, social anxiety, negative affect, somatic symptom, and negative consequence of PQ. They were reported lowly to self-esteem. Achievement striving perfectionism group and non-perfectionism group were reported lowly to depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, social anxiety, negative affect, and negative consequence of PQ. In summary, the result indicated that perfectionism has multi-aspect than divided to functional and dysfunctional aspects. Implications and Limitations of the Study and suggestions for future study were discussed.
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