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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study was performed to investigate the mediating effects of the self-esteem on the relationship between ADHD symptoms and the depression. We measured the self-esteem with the nine self-concept domains in order to find the most vulnerable self-concept domain at the adolescent with ADHD symptoms. 641 middle and high school students participated in this project. In result, the depression was positively related with ADHD symptoms when it was to the simple models without mediating factors. However, with the self-esteem included in the models as mediating factor, the direct effect of ADHD symptoms on the depression was not significant. In the mediating model, ADHD symptoms influenced on the low self-esteem, and this influenced on the depression. That is to say, the mediating effects of the self-esteem on the relationship between ADHD symptoms and the depression were confirmed. And the social acceptance and the global self-esteem were identified as the most vulnerable domains of the self-esteem among the nine measured at the adolescent with ADHD symptoms.
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