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This study attempted to investigate the effects of emotional awareness deficit, ambivalence over emotional expressiveness, emotional expressivity on depression, anxiety, somatization, and physical symptoms of middle-aged women and differences which different emotional experience groups made on depression, anxiety, somatization, and physical symptoms. The subjects, 296 middle-aged married women who ranged from 40 to 65 years old, completed study questionnaires. Stepwise multiple regression result indicates emotional awareness deficit predict depression, anxiety, somatization, physical symptoms. In contrast, emotional expressivity had negative correlation with depression, anxiety, somatization, and physical symptoms and did not predict them. Furthermore, ambivalence over emotional expressiveness only predict trait anxiety. The subjects were grouped into three different emotional experience groups. group 3, characterized by combination of high emotional awareness deficit, high ambivalence over emotional expressiveness, and low emotional expressivity, showed the highest level of depression, anxiety, physical symptoms. The emotional experience profiles did not differ in specific pathology. Implications and limitations of this study were disscussed and directions for future research were suggested.
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