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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
(1993) 청소년의 심리적 특징 및 우울과 비행간의 관계,
(1998) 우울증상과 관련된 대인관계 특성 성인기 애착관계형성을 중심으로,
(1998) 육아시설아동의 심리사회적 문제에 관한 연구,
(2000) 동아일보 (2000. 1. 3.). 새천년 혼자 맞은 IMF 고아들 "경기는 좋아졌다는데…", 동아일보
(1999) 아동이 지각한 경제적 어려움, 부부갈등, 양육태도 및 애착과 아동의 문제행동과의 관계,
(2001) K-YSR 청소년 자기행동평가척도 실시 요강, 중앙적성 출판사
(2001) 청소년기 애착유형과 지각된 부모양육행동: 재소 중인 비행집단, 위험집단, 정상집단의 비교,
(2001) 시설아동의 자아정체감과 심리사회적 적응 학령기 아동과 청소년을 중심으로,
(2002) 시설청소년과 일반청소년의 사회적 지지 지각과 공격성간의 관계,
(1997) 청소년의 스트레스와 사회적 지지 및 행동문제,
(2000) 초등학교 저학년 시설아동의 입소원인 지각에 따른 초기 학교적응의 차이,
(2001) 시설아동의 가족관계망에 따른 행동문제,
(2000) 청소년 심리의 이해, 학문사
(1997) 애착과MMPI하위척도들의 관계 : 임상,
(1999) 영아시설 영아와 보육사간 애착안정성에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구,
(2001) 아동청소년복지론, 나남출판
(1978) Patterns of attachment A Psychological study of the Strange Situation,
(1998) Attachment and adolescent psychosocial functioning.,
(1987) The inventory of parent and peer attachment Individual difference and their relationship to psychological well-being in adolescence Journal of Youth and Adolescence,
(1991) Attachment styles among young adults A test of a four-category model Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
(1995) Psychological adjustment and intermittent family economic hardship,
(1982) American Journal of Orthopsychiatry,
(1995) Behavior problems in preschool children A review of recent research ,
(1996) Working models of attachment Implications for explanation , emotion, behavior.,
(1990) and relationship quality in dating couples Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
(1985) Early social development in institutionally reard Greek infants Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development,
(1997) Welfare's new rules: A pox on children.,
(2001) Parental attachment and adolescent's emotional adjustment the associations with social skill and relational competence ,
(2001) Attachment styles and aggression in physically abused and neglected children ,
(1987) Romantic love conceptualized as an attachment process Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
(1988) Attachment in late adolescence and representatoins of self and others,
(2000) Parental divorce, parent-child bonds, and adult attachment orientations among college students. A comparison of three racial/ethnic groups.,
(1996) Introduction to the special section on attachment and psychopathology Overview of the field of attachment ,
(1993) The impact of the gulf war in Israel Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Mikulincer
(1999) Attachment disturbances and disorders in children exposed to early sever deprivation,
(1996) Adolescent attachment and psychopathology.,
(1975) The effect of early institutional rearing on the behaviour problems and affectional relationships of four-yeard-old children,
(1998) A comparative study of Greek children in long-term residential group care and in two-parent families: Ⅱ. Possible mediating mechanisms.,
(1972) Behavioural characteristics of children in residential care in relation to indices of separation,
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