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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The present study examined if there's any difference in psychological characteristics of somatic patients according to the presence of physical illness. First of all, We divided the 69 subjects that showed significantly higher score in Hs scale of MMPI into two groups by physical illness, and compared them to get clinical implication. As a result, the high health anxiety group without physical illness showed significant differences in personality and cognitive variables compared with normal control group, and only in personality variables compared with the high health anxiety group with physical illness. On the other hand, there were significant differences between the high health anxiety group with physical illness and normal control group in cognitive variables. In the next place, we also investigated the group differences in the personality and cognitive variables effecting somatization. The results revealed that alexithymia and somatic attribution affected somatic symptoms in somatizing patients without physical illness, and somato-sensory amplification influenced somatic symptoms in somatizing patients with physical illness. These results suggest that somatizing patients should be classified into the different groups according to the presence of physical illness, and that these differences should be considered in future research and clinical intervention.
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