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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
A linear mediation model of social anxiety, in which dysfunctional beliefs predict social anxiety symptoms through full mediation of maladaptive automatic thoughts, was shown to fit both cross-sectional and short-term longitudinal data from general undergraduates. Using structural equation analyses, the present study evaluated the linear mediation model and two alternative models to examine whether dysfunctional beliefs predict anxious responding to a public speaking task through full mediation of negative automatic thoughts in 131 speech-anxious undergraduates. The results indicated that the linear mediation model fitted the data well, whereas the simple effect model didn't and the direct path from dysfunctional beliefs to speech-anxious responding was not significant in the full model. Furthermore, a revised linear mediation model by controlling for the influence of baseline anxiety still demonstrated an adequate fit to the data. In conclusion, these findings provide empirical support for the theoretical application of the linear mediation model of social anxiety to speech-anxious undergraduates' anxious responding to a public speaking task.
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