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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The true recovery of persons with psychiatric disability can be achieved only through work. Thus vocational rehabilitation services have been widely recognized as critical elements of both therapy and rehabilitation in the advanced countries. Most of persons with psychiatric disability desire to perform competitive jobs and also are able to do so with reasonable supports. However, the reality is that social prejudices and systematic restrictions exist as main obstacles to psychiatric vocational rehabilitation. Now it has arrived at the point that mental heath professionals including clinical psychologist have to provide the vocational rehabilitation. The aim of this article is to urge to be delivered vocational rehabilitation in mental health field of this country. First, the importance of work was highlighted in terms of the benefits work can provide uniquely for persons with psychiatric disability. Also theoretical and practical issues in the approaches of vocational rehabilitation were discussed to find an effective vocational programming. In addition, discussion was made about whether clinical psychologists should and could make a vocational rehabilitation professionals as their career. Finally, several impending tasks necessary for developing vocational rehabilitation for persons with psychiatric disability were suggested.
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