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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
One of the critical defects of Wechsler scales is its insensitivity to executive functions. However, not all subtests of Wechsler scales are completely insensitive to executive functions, but some subtests are relatively sensitive to executive functions. The goal of the present study was to devise a method to compare executive and non-executive functions using Wechsler scales. A validity study using schizophrenic patients indicated that Block Design and Digit Symbol are relatively sensitive to executive functions, whereas Information and Comprehension are insensitive to executive functions. A normative study was also performed to provide normative data for comparing the average of Block Design and Digit Symbol with the average of Information and Comprehension. Even Wechsler subtests that are relatively sensitive to executive functions were less sensitive to executive functions than specialized executive-function tests. These results indicate that assessment of executive functions based on Wechsler scales is clinically useful but not sufficiently sensitive to executive functions. Thus, use of specialized executive-function tests is essential to properly assess executive functions.
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