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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a test to diagnose personality disorders. This diagnostic test is composed of the contents which respects the characteristics of Korean. Preliminary items were developed based on the research by Hwang (1995). The data of 374 college students and 322 normal adults, namely a total of 696 respondents were analysed. 10 sub-scale scores obtained from the present personality disorder diagnostic test showed values of Cronbach alpha average .67, ranging from .53 (OC) ~ to .75 (ST), which is generally considered as acceptable level of internal consistency. Test-retest reliability (n=52) results indicated chronical scale stability, with correlation coefficient average 0.75, raging 0.58(NC) to 0.89(DP). Correlation analysis among each scale supported construct validity of the present personality disorder diagnostic test. Most of scales were found to reflect the structural relation of personality disorders in DSM. MMPI personality disorder scale (MPDS) and PDQ-4+ examination were used as criteria to examine criterion-related validity of the present personality disorder diagnostic test. All the 10 pairs of personality disorder showed significant correlations. The results of this study indicated that the present diagnostic test for personality disorders have validity and reliability as a personality disorder test. The implications and limitations of this study were discussed finally.
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