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This study examined how role conflict, multidimensional perfectionism, and family/spouse support are associated with mental health and role satisfaction among working mothers. In a sample of 123 office working female who were mothers of one or more preschoolers and kindergarteners, variables examined using correlation, stepwise regression and partial regression. In results, three domains of role conflict were associated with psychological symptoms such as depression, anxiety and somatization and with marital, parental, and job dissatisfaction. Particularly high family-work spillover predicted depression, anxiety and marital dissatisfaction, and high work-parenting spillover predicted depression, somatization, and job dissatisfaction. Multidimensional perfectionism was neither related to negative psychological symptoms nor role dissatisfaction except for influence of self-oriented perfectionism on job satisfaction. Self-oriented perfectionism act on as positive striving. Support of husband and family members was not a mediator, but a predictor variable directly influencing on working mothers' mental health and satisfaction. High support of husband was associated with low depression, anxiety, and somatization, and high satisfaction of all role domains.
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