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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study is investigating psychological factor on stop gambling of pathological gamblers. Pathological gambling variables were investigated to relapse pathological gamblers and non-relapse pathological gamblers. Psychological factors on stop gambling were examined from relapse pathological gamblers and non-relapse pathological gamblers. The results of this study may be summarized as follows: First, pathological gamblers were higher obsessive gambling passion, harmonious gambling passion, suppressive coping style, reactive coping style, depression, anxiety, gambling attitudes and beliefs, thrill motive, avoiding motive, monetary motive, amusement motive, irrational gambling belief, family related stress, social skill related stress, economy related stress, self-health related stress, family loading related stress and gambling drive than problem gamblers and social gamblers. Problem gamblers were higher family cohesion, family expression and family conflict than pathological gamblers. Second, gambling relapse group were higher family expression, avoiding motive, social skill related stress and gambling drive than non-relapse group. Gambling relapse group were lower family conflict, consciousness raising, environmental reevaluation, helping relationship, stimulus control, counter conditioning, reinforcement management, self-liberation and social motive than non-relapse group.
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