open access
E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that the anxiety sensitivity known as a major mechanism of panic disorder may be divided into dual factors, one being somatic sensitivity, the other being catastrophic interpretation. For this purpose, we modified the anxiety sensitivity index-revised(ASI-R) into two-step rating, somatic sensitivity in the first step and cognitive interpretation in the second step, that can reflect the dual factors. In study 1, we compared panic group and somatization group with control group(each 30 subjects) selected from 500 college students. As predicted from dual factor hypothesis, in the first step rating of somatic sensation, the somatization group exceeded the panic group. However in the second rating(catastrophizing), the panic group did not exceed the somatization group. In study 2, panic patients and somatoform disorder patients(each 30 patients) were compared with 30 normal controls. In the somatic sensation factor, the result of study 1 was replicated, and in the catastrophic interpretation factor, the predicted difference was revealed. That is, in the catastrophic interpretation the panic patients were higher than somatoform disorder patients. These findings support the validity of dual factor hypothesis which says that although panic disorder and somatoform disorder share two-factor structure, panic disorder may be dominant in catastrophic interpretation and somatoform disorder may be prominent in somatic sensation. The dual factor theory may build a conceptual bridge between anxiety sensitivity research and Clark's cognitive model of panic disorder. In clinical settings, it will also contribute to the differential diagnosis and therapy of panic disorders.
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