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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This article reports 2 studies examining whether social concerns dimension of anxiety sensitivity(AS) can be empirically differentiated from fear of negative evaluation(FNE), whether it is best conceptualized as belonging to the domain of AS and/or the domain of negative evaluation sensitivity(NES), and whether it is a unique predictor of social anxiety. In Study 1, we used joint exploratory factor analyses with Korean versions of Anxiety Sensitivity Index-Revised(ASI-R) and Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation scale (BFNE) in a sample of university students(N = 319). Items from the ASI-R loaded onto factors representing the 4 AS constructs such as social concerns and items from the BFNE loaded onto a single factor labeled FNE. In Study 2, confirmatory factor analyses(CFA) of the pooled items from Korean versions of the ASI-R, the BFNE and the Speech Anxiety Thought Inventory-Subscale 2 in another sample of university students(N = 353) were performed. The results of CFA indicated that a hierarchical factor model based on Zinbarg and Barlow(1996)'s study fitted the data adequately and was superior to the 3 alternative models. Additionally, the social concerns dimension predicted social and speech anxiety symptoms, respectively, after controlling for depressive symptoms and the other dimensions of AS. These findings suggest that the social concerns dimension of the K-ASI-R represents a NES factor more strongly than an AS factor as well as something distinct from FNE, and that it is a unique predictor of social anxiety.
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