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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to examine the differential efficiencies of the Clock Drawing Test (CDT) and the Hutt Adaptation of the Bender Gestalt Test (HABGT) depending on the severity of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Ninety patients with traumatic head injury, matched age and education level, were classified into the three groups on the length of the loss of consciousness and the result of brain imaging test: non-brain injured, mild to moderate brain injured, and severe brain injured group. For three groups, the Means of CDT and the four scoring systems of HABGT (the psychopathology scale, the adience-abience scale, the configurational approach, and the Lacks adaptation of the Hutt-Briskin scoring system) were compared. Additionally, the cut-off scores, efficiencies, sensitivities, specificities, positive likelihood ratio, and negative likelihood ratio of each method were estimated for three groups as well as being compared the relative diagnostic efficiencies with Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve. As a result, there were significant differences between the non-brain injured group and the severe brain injured group for the scores of the CDT and the four scoring systems of HABGT, but not the mild to moderate brain injured group and the non-brain injured group. All methods significantly differentiated the severe brain injured group from the non-brain injured group, but those differential efficiencies were lowered between other two groups. The most efficient methods for detecting the severity of TBI were the CDT, the psychopathology scale, and Lacks adaptation of the Hutt-Briskin scoring system. Finally, the suggestions, limitations and further issues for future study were discussed.
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