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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The present study was presented to develop and validate a shame scale which is based on Korean words. The Korean Shame Scale-61(KSS-61)was constructed by using the 61 words which is gathered by Cho (unpublished). In study 1, the KSS-61 was administered to 222 undergraduate students and the results were as follows. The KSS-61 was analyzed by 4 factors, the first factor was mortification, and the second factor was shyness, the third factor was self-consciousness, the last factor was humidity. Four factors had a good internal consistency except for 4th factor (humidity factor). The items of the 4th factor showed low item-total correlation. So, in study 2 The Korean Shame Scale-53(KSS-53)was constructed by the 4th factor being removed in the KSS-61, and administered to 905 undergraduate students. The results was as follows. First, factor analyses of the KSS-53 revealed a three factor solution (Shyness, mortification, and self-consciousness) which had good internal consistency. Second, the items of the first and second factors had good consistencies in comparison to previous studies. However the many items of the third factor (self-consciousness) were changed in comparison to the study 1, therefore the third factor was thought to be unstable. Third, KSS-53 showed high negative correlation with L, K, S and positive correlation with K scale in MMPI-2. And also it had high positive correlation with social discomfort scales such as Si, and SOD. And KSS-53 was positively correlated with anxiety and depression scales(Pt, ANX, FRS, OBS, D, DEP etc.) and was negatively correlated with the externalizing and acting-out scales(Pd, ASP, Ma, RC9). And KSS-53 had lower correlations with somatization indices(Hs, HEA). In considering all results, KSS-53 was thought to have considerable reliability and validity. Some limitations and issues were discussed.
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