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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of attention improvement training on the cognitive function of the schizophrenics. the subject of the investigation was 18 the schizophrenics diagnosed by DSM-Ⅵ. They randomly were assigned into either the attention improvement training group or control group by 9 persons and then, were administered in pretest-posttest design. the cognitive function was evaluated by K-WAIS and K-FENT(Kims Frontal-Executive Function Neuropsychological Test). And each subtest of K-WAIS was classified Memory, Concept Formation, Visual Organization, Visual-Motor Coordination, and Orienting by the method of Rapaport. In the result of this study, there was significant improvement in Visual-Motor Coordination and Orienting in the attention improvement training group. However, there was no significant improvement in Memory, Concept Formation, Visual Organization, executive function. This result partly supported that the damage of attention is based on the other cognitive functions and suggest that Memory, Concept Formation, Visual Organization and executive function are functions of more then high dimensions to be demanded more intensive and continuous attention improvement training to improve this functions together. Finally, the meaning and the limitations of the study, and the suggestion of the future study were discussed.
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