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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the striking memories of high-trait anxiety subjects and repressor, who maintain their own emotional trait inside. In order to achieve this goal, each subjects conducted a perceptual identification and free recall task on threatening and non-threatening words, and the scores were compared among three groups. Results indicated that high anxious subjects reveal significantly higher priming on threat words than low anxious subjects in perceptual identification task, but the differences of free-recall between these group is not significant. In addition, repressor revealed significantly higher priming on threat words than low anxious subjects in perceptual identification task. But they didn't show significantly higher recall on non-threatening words in free recall task. This suggests that high anxiety group respond automatically to threat cues in the initial stage of information processing, but intentionally avoid negative stimulus in the later stage of information processing. Such cognitive avoidance strategy serves to exacerbate anxiety symptoms. Furthermore, it was confirmed that repressors automatically activate anxiety- relevant stimuli. In conclusion, the present study provides many suggestions to the approach in the treatment of high-trait anxiety subjects and repressors.
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