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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study attempted to decrease delinquency of the light delinquent adolescent in middle school by performing the Problem Solving Skills Training Program(PSSTP). It was evaluated the effectiveness of problem solving skills training by measuring the degree of improving problem solving skills and decreasing delinquency with comparing the PSSTP to the Human Relations Training Program(HRTP). The data used in the final analysis were total 58 middle school students in Seoul(31 PSSTP, 27 HRTP). Programs were conducted five sessions for 5 days consecutively and one session was 120 minutes. The results were as follows: the PSSTP group showed more significant increase in the number of solutions and more significant improvement in the appropriateness of the problem solving methods than the HRTP group. One month later, in self-report delinquency the PSSTP group showed more significant delinquency decrease than the HRTP group, and boys' group showed more significant delinquency decrease than girls'. In the dysfunctional behaviors' frequency of the Teacher's Child Rating Scale(T-CRS), only the interaction-effect between groups and sex was significant. In the PSSTP groups girls showed more decreases of dysfunctional behaviors in T-CRS than boys, in the HRTP groups boys showed more decreases of dysfunctional behaviors in T-CRS than girls. In the dysfunctional behaviors' score of the T-CRS girls showed more decreases than boys. The effectiveness of the program for decreasing delinquency and the relation between the improvement of the problem solving ability and the decreasing of delinquency were discussed. Finally, limitations of this study and suggestions for forward study were described.
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