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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study examined the relationships between psychological variables and internet addiction. The Daily Hassles Scale(DHS), Tellegen's Absorption Scale(TAS), Interpersonal Support Evaluation List(ISEL), demographic data and internet use questionnaire were administered to 350 undergraduate and graduate students. For investigation of the relationship between psychological variables and internet addiction, a correlation and a regression are administered. Moreover, for searching internet using state, frequency analysis is administered through investigation into internet user's gender, main application, and using time of internet addiction groups which are composed of non-addictive group, risk group, and addictive group. Furthermore, the correlation between internet addiction and psychological variables is searched by main applications. As a result, risk and addictive group frequently appeared male and applications which are characterized by interaction, such as chatting, on-line game, and community. In an analysis of all the participants, internet addiction significantly correlated hassles and absorption. In the correlation analysis of different applications, there is a different result by applications. In chatting group, there is not the correlation between psychological variables and internet addiction. However, in on-line game group, there are significantly results, which are similar to the result of all the participants. In community group, there is a correlation between hassles and internet addiction. In the regression analysis, hassles and absorption are predictable variables of internet addiction. Finally, the discussion and limitation of this study and suggestion for future study were included.
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