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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The aims of this study were (a) to examine the alexithymic syndrome and coping deficits in somatization group through the Rorschach test and (b) to analyze the results in the aspects of the cognition, emotion, behavior, and stress management. For these purposes, we compared 56 somatization patients with the two normative data: Korean adult norms of Rorschach response provided by Kyung-Jin Shin and Ho-Teak Won(1991) and American those provided by Exner(1990). The results showed that somatization patients had smaller number of R, fewer M responses, lower W Sum C score, fewer blends responses, higher Lambda score and lower EA score than did comparison groups. Also, somatization group showed fewer FC responses than did American adults. These results indicated the alexithymic syndrome in somatizaion group. Besides, somatization patients had severe coping deficits: (1) EA<6, (2) COP<2, AG<2, (3) W Sum C<2.5, Afr<.46, (4) Pure H<2 were appeared in most of somatization patients and (5) Isolation Index>.24 in some of somatization patients. Finally, the results were analysed in the aspects of the cognition, emotion, behavior, and stress management. Based on these analyses, recommendations for treatment were suggested.
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