open access
메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
In this study, we attempted to compare a trait of character between alcohol and drug dependence patients through MMPI and K-WAIS, and find out that what is the subscale and subtest discriminating between these two group. The results showed significantly higher the K scale on MMPI of drug patients than that of alcohol patients, and significantly higher F, Hs, D, Hy, Pa, Pt, Sc, Si scales in the alcohol patients than drug patients. As a result of discriminant analysis, it was Sc, K, Pa, Ma scale that well discriminated these two group. Discriminant analysis indicated that overall percentage of correct classification was 87.8%. Also, on K-WAIS, FSIQ, VIQ, PIQ and 11 subtest measures were used to analysis differences between two group. There is no significant difference between FIQ and VIQ on K-WAIS, but the PIQ of the group of drug abuse patients is so significantly high in the level of p<.05. In the consequence of each subtest, Digit span, Picture Arrangement, Block Design, Object Assembly, Digit Symbol are significantly high in the group of drug abuse and 75.5% out of all the case is accurately classified by the discriminant function. The clinical implifications and limitations of the present study were discussed.