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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to explore the mediating effects and moderator effects of the self concept and the ego-resilience on the relationship between ADHD symptoms and the internalizing problem/externalizing problem in community sample. Data were collected from 717 children, parent, and teacher and were analyzed through structure equational modeling. The Structure equational modeling revealed that the complete mediation model of the self concept and the ego-resilience had superior fit indices to other model on the relationship between the ADHD symptoms and the internalizing problem. In addition, on the relationship between the ADHD symptoms and the externalizing problem, the complete mediation model of the self concept and the ego-resilience had superior fit indices to other model. Gender differences in mediating effect were statistically not significant. However, the moderator effect of the self concept and the ego-resilience was not significant. In conclusion, it is suggested that ADHD symptoms influenced on the self concept and the ego-resilience negatively, and this influenced on the maladjustment of children. Implications and limitations about these results were discussed.
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