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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The Hostile Automatic Thought Scale(HAT) was developed to measure hostile thinking toward others. The aim of this study is to develop and validate the Korean version of the HAT. The HAT was administrated to 419 undergraduate students for factor analysis, and 216 students among these students completed Aggression Questionnaire, StateTrait Anger Expression Inventory, Primary/Secondary Anger Thought Scale with HAT for correlation analysis. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that 3 factor(Physical aggression, Derogation, Revenge) model of HAT was supported satisfactorily. The HAT correlated moderately with Anger-Out/In and Physical/Verbal Aggression, but did not correlate with Anger-Control. These results suggest satisfactory convergent and discriminant validity of the Korean version of the HAT Scale. The HAT seems to be a useful scale that measures hostile attitude toward others.
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