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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to expand the clinical utility of CDT by analyzing aspects of CDT in patients with schizophrenia. The CDT was administered to seventy schizophrenics, fifty adult depression patients, thirty elderly depression patients, and thirty mild dementia patients. Additionally, K-WAIS(Korean Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale) was administered to schizophrenics and adult depression patients, and CDR(Clinical Dementia Rating), and MMSE-K(Mini-Mental State Examination-Korean) were administered to elderly depression patients and mild dementia patients. The results of this study were that the difference of CDT total scores among these four groups was significant statistically. In the error type analysis of CDT, schizophrenic patients showed higher frequency even than mild dementia patients in <big size figure><all numbers in closure figure><conceptual error><spatial and planing error>. It was thought that CDT has ability to measure schizophrenics' cognitive deficits in reality testing, visuo-spatial function, cognitive flexibility, planning, and executive function. These results confirmed that CDT has the clinical utility in differentiating schizophrenic patients as well as mild dementia patients. Additionally, the CDT score was no correlations with age, education, and verbal IQ; however, there were correlations among the CDT score and performance IQ and total IQ. Finally, the suggestions, limitations and further issues for future study were discussed.
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