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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
Impulsivity is one of the personality trait in which someone tend to do things suddenly without any planning or careful consideration. In this study, we investigated the relation between impulsivity and N2/P3 component which is elicited by unexpected emotional stimulus. We used three-stimulus oddball paradigm to examine this relation. Total 50 college students (male: 24, female: 26) participated. Non planning impulsivity represented a negative correlation with peak amplitude of the novelty P3 component in both threat-stimulus and neutral-stimulus conditions. While in the N2 component, only peak latency showed a positive correlation to non planning impulsivity. These results indicate that non planning impulsivity influences on the speed of early involuntary cognitive process to the emotional stimulus and attentional modulatory capacity and speed of later voluntary cognitive process. But, with threat-related stimulus, there is no decrease in speed of early and late cognitive process, and the proper speed is maintained.
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