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The present study investigated the Relationship among parent-adolescent communication and adolescent's self-differentiation, depression and Anxiety. Participants for this study were 882 students (middle school students: 262, high school students: 314, undergraduate students: 306). The following was the results. First, Open communication and self-differentiation showed positive correlations, but negative correlations with depression and anxiety. Whereas, closed communication negatively associated with self-differentiation and positively correlated with depression and anxiety. Secondly, There were significant differences in parent-adolescent communication, self-differentiation, depression and anxiety according to the group of ages and sex. Also, There were interaction effects, between the group of ages and sex, on the intelligence/emotion function, family projection and self-differentiation variables. Lastly, for the adolescence's depression and anxiety closed communication with the father was found to be main significant predictor. Implications of the current study and suggestions for future studies were presented.
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