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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the visual-spatial working memory deficits in Alzheimer's disease patient(AD), compared to normal elderly(NE), using the Corsi block test(CBT), and to examine its clinical usefulness as neuropsychological method in the test battery for Alzheimer's patients. CBT and neuropsychological tests were administered to 20 AD patients with 20 or more MMSE scores and 55 normal elderly adults(NE). The results showed that significant mean value differences were revealed between AD and NE groups in the Digit Span(forward and backward), K-DRS, S-K-BNT, long-term delayed free recall of K-CVLT scores. Also CBT score differences were present. But as the results of the logistic regression analysis, even though the CBT was added to the other diagnostic tests for AD as K-CVLT or K-BNT, the discriminatory power of CBT fell into insignificant. Finally, the results were discussed and the implications for future studies were suggested.
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