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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study developed three web-based neuropsychological experiments to examine attention deficits in adults with ADHD. Specifically, we carried out inhibition of return(IOR), stroop, and endogenous- exogenous attention tasks to extract amount of IOR, stroop interference, and endogenous-exogenous cue effects. Then, we identified indices showing high correlations with ADHD symptom scales, and compared these indices of ADHD group with control group. As results, IOR and endogenous cue effects were highly correlated DSM-ADHD scale. In addition, we carried a discriminant function analysis with seven experimental indices to examine whether these indices can successfully discriminate ADHDs from normal control group. Result showed 100% of the cases were correctly classified when all the 20 indeices were used. With 7 selected indices, 95.7% of the cases were correctly classified as predicted. Finally, we discussed differences among tests used in this research and conventional tests.
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