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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
In this study, the effects of cognitive behavioral group therapy which focused on stress and repetitive thought were investigated for undergraduate students with high levels of evaluative concerns perfectionism. Half of the thirty two undergraduate students who reported high levels of evaluative concerns perfectionism were assigned to the group of cognitive behavioral therapy and the other half assigned to the waiting control group. Eight sessions of cognitive behavioral therapy were administered. The number of undergraduate students who completed the assessment at termination were 12 in the cognitive behavioral therapy and 16 in the waiting control group. The results of the study were that life stress and daily stress levels, worry and rumination scores, anxiety and depression levels of the cognitive behavioral therapy group were significantly lower than those of the waiting control group. On the basis of these results, it was confirmed that cognitive behavioral group therapy which focused on stress and repetitive thought is effective in the intervention of anxiety and depression for undergraduate students with evaluative concerns perfectionism. The significance and limitations of this study were discussed.
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