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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study is to investigate whether women with history of childhood sexual abuse are at increased risk for future sexual revictimization and what are the risk factors of sexual revictimization. The participations in this study can be classified into three groups: no abuse group, single-incident abused group(childhood sexual abuse or adulthood sexual abuse), revictimized group(both childhood sexual abuse and adulthood sexual abuse). The following results were obtained: First, women with history of childhood sexual abuse are at increased risk for adult sexual victimization. Second, single abused group has more difficulty in interpersonal relationships(nonassertive, cold, socially avoidant), has more alcohol problem and dissociation tendancy and more sexual behaviour than no abuse group. Third, revictimized group has more difficulty in interpersonal relationships(exploitable, overly nurturant), shows more sexual behavior, uses more self destructive coping strategies, feels more powerless, betrayal and self-blame attribution than single-incident abuse group. The significance of this study is the first study which suggest sexual revictimization and some related factors. This study results are based on a retrospective information provided by a limited sample of college students. Therefore it needs to be cautious to generalize this findings.
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