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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of aggression and anger induction on perception of facial expressions. 247 high school students in the 10th grade completed scales on aggression (Aggression Inventory) and anger (State Trait Anger Expression Inventory). Based on the aggression scores, participants were divided into the High Aggression Group and Low Aggression Group. The participants were exposed to two mood induction conditions (anger induction condition and comparison condition) in which mood was induced by showing films. After watching the films, the subjects completed the anger scale and participated in the experiment. All participants watched 24 pictures of faces with positive, ambiguous and negative emotional expressions and rated facial expressions of emotion. The data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA. The results showed that the degree of aggression significantly influenced perception of emotion, but the anger induction condition and the interaction between the two were not statistically significant. Also the effect of the level of aggression on the perception of facial expressions was significant in positive and ambiguous facial expressions. The High Aggression Group rated positive and ambiguous facial expressions more negatively than the Low Aggression Group. The present study clarified the role of aggression on perception of facial expressions using facial expression as stimuli in the emotion perception task which was an efficient method for representing emotions.
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