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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study is to investigate the intelligence properties of children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as applied multi-analysis of intelligence on K-WISC-III (Lee and Oh, 2007). Specifically, we compared ADHD with control group on K-WISC-III, using the highest score, the acquired score, and acquired score ratio. The result demonstrated that differences between ADHD and control group on the highest score were not significant in all subscales, verbal scale, performance scale, full scale intelligence scale, verbal comprehension, and freedom from distractibility factor on K-WISC-III (p>.05), the comparisons of acquired scores were significantly different in arithmetic, verbal intelligence, full scale intelligence scale, and freedom from distractibility factor (p<.05). And the differences of acquired score ratio were significant in information, similarities, vocabulary, digit span, verbal intelligence, full scale intelligence scale, verbal comprehension, and freedom from distractibility factor between ADHD and control group (p<.05). These findings suggest that the general intellectual capacity (achievement level) of ADHD group was decreased by deficiency of intelligence stability, while both groups was equal to highest intellectual capacity (intelligent potential).
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